

We are one aligned team dedicated to serving our clients.

Team Work

We value each other abilities and encourage one team spirit.


We constantly strive to redefine the standard of excellence in everything we do.


Being trustworthy, honest and transparent in everything we do in Smart Solutions Services Company as a whole.


We are transparent to clients, our partners and ourselves.


Committed in heart and mind.


Happy Clients




Lines of Code


Awards Won

Our Vision

To be one of the pioneers in smart secure technologies in the world.

Our Mission

Provide customers with quality and distinguished information technology smart secure solutions with unrivaled customer service.

Creatively problem-solve

We could not just fix the issue and be on our way, but we creatively meeting customers needs in ways that go above and beyond.

Respond quickly

Resolving customer queries as quickly as possible. Speed should be of the essence — especially for smaller issues that don’t take much time to solve.

Help customers help themselves

Self-service is a scalable, cost-effective way to make customers happy. That’s the thinking that led to puts help content front and center so customers can find answers right where they are without leaving the page.


Going off script and giving the personal touch when we can is an important way to show our customers you know them and you care.

Focus support on the customer

Treating customers like they are the center of your world — because they are.

Be proactively helpful

Going the extra mile is one of the most important things we do to deliver great customer service. This is when we have ticked all the boxes.


Looking to the future to understand how and why systems may create new opportunities in tech and how they could impact society.

New Ways of Utilizing Established Systems

Pushes for novel ways of using old tech: ways that compliment up-and-coming technology, business and social needs.

Creative Process Discoveries

Finding new potential, between each iteration and within every phase of development.

Down the IT Wormhole

Every process you master, every programming language you learn and each user-facing product you understand can add to your creative advantage.

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  • Font-Awesome Integration
  • Multiple unique designs
  • Clean coded, responsive and multipurpose
  • Pages valid on w3c.
  • Well documented.
  • Easy to customization.



IT Consultancy Services

Defines as the combination of digital, cloud and security-related services enabled by innovative technology. Digital Transformation, Business Resilience and Disaster Recovery, Virtualization and Cloud, Big data and Business intelligence, Software development management, Enterprise Architecture, Business process management, Organizations process optimization, DevOps.

IT New Technologies

Many completely new technologies have come up in 2021. These new technologies in 2021 are only likely to grow and perhaps even reach the common person’s hands. Blockchain, IOT Solutions, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, API Management, RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

IT Smart Secure Solutions

Smart Secure Services to deliver the adaptive and personalized user experience. Intelligent Apps (I – Apps), Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Software Development



102 Avon Road, Manchester, United Kingdom, M19 1JW
